“STOP focusing on your disease, and START focusing on Creating Powerful Health! Your disease is not a curse, it is a GIFT, a BLESSING, It is what brought you to this new beginning of the greatest adventure in your life, to discover and create a new life, a much better life, and to Create a NEW YOU!”-Dr. Richard Schulze
Recently I was confronted with a horrible illness. It truly wiped me out. I was in so much pain and fatigue I could barely function. The pain was unlike anything my body had experienced. I resorted to serious pain killers. I took one dose. That is all I needed. It gave me the clarity to see what it was I had to do.
I am so thankful for having this experience. I changed again. I honored myself and loved myself up for a month. How amazing is that? I can honestly say it was necessary.
I believe anyone can heal themselves when they STOP doing the very thing that is making them sick. Ahhh, that is challenging but amazing too.