Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Yeasty Matters...

Yeast overgrowth or candida is a huge problem for many people. Most of them don't even know it. They are usually treating the symptoms instead of getting to the crux of the matter. I feel strongly that candida plays a role in Vulvodynia. It is the underlying reason balance in the body is off. Here is why:

Candida is naturally found in your body. It is predominantly found in the digestive tract. When an overgrowth of candida occurs the whole system becomes unbalanced and upset. This is because the digestive tract is responsible for about 70% if your immune system. Think about it, the walls of your intestines are one cell thin so toxins and fungal by- product can leak right into your blood stream. Guess where your blood all your major organs. Do you see how this problem occurs? This yeasty breeding ground or "ground zero" as I like to call it is where the disease starts. In your intestines. A vaginal yeast infection is when the yeast have no more room to party in your gut so they travel down to the next warm, moist place....your vagina. If you have ever had a vaginal yeast infection it is no party.

With regards to Vulvodynia, you will need to heal the burning before you get to the candida. They go somewhat hand in hand, but you can't have a head on attack of the candida because the body is too weak to handle any anti-fungal drugs. The drugs often make the vulvodynia worse. If you need to know how to heal the Vulvodynia feel free to contact me for a free consultation!

If you suffer from chronic yeast infections without Vulvodynia, you can take an aggressive role in this battle. Of course, check with your doctor because chronic infections can be a sign of several illnesses. If you have ruled out the other illnesses. Then you can go for it. How you may ask? Through diet change. Think about it. If ground zero is your gut then you need to throw serious healing bombs down there. Yes, you can get a prescription for Diflucan, Nizoral etc and they may help for awhile but it is not getting to the real source. I followed the Candida diet. It is tough but it will balance the flora in your intestines. Then you can use the anti-fungals to support your efforts. But relying on the drugs is not always the answer.

Another great resource is a book called "The Yeast Connection" by Dr. Cook.  You can take Dr. Cook's yeast evaluation quiz to see if yeast might be your problem. There are many more symptoms, other than vaginal yeast, that are caused by candida. It can take months or even years to re-balance your body. But it will be worth it. Other symptoms can disappear. I used to have terrible heart burn, ocular migraine headaches, and high blood pressure. Now they are gone. I don't no prescription drugs for them either. Good health is in your grasp you just need to reach out and grab on. You need to take the center role in your health. No one can do it for you!

Be Well, Laura L

This Website provides users with the opportunity to obtain from information about Laura Lehrhaupt's personal experience with Vulvodynia. Be Well, Laura L is not a medical organization and we will not give you medical advice or diagnosis. Nothing contained on this Website should be construed as medical advice or diagnosis. The information and reports generated by us should not be interpreted as a substitute for physician consultation, evaluation, or treatment nor as an endorsement of any Third Party Sellers products or services.

You are urged and advised to seek the advice of a physician before changing your present diet and lifestyle. The Website is not intended for use by those under the age of 18 (or the age of majority in the jurisdiction where you reside) pregnant women, or individuals with any type of serious health condition. Such individuals are strongly discouraged from using this website and are specifically warned to seek professional medical advice prior to initiating any form of treatment.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Vitamin D And Vaginal Health

There is a huge definciency of Vitamin D in this country and this is a problem. Why? Because Vitamin D is vital for the so much of the body's processes. Most of us know that Vitamin D is important for Calcium absorption but it is also important for immune function and reduction of inflammation. New research suggest that it plays a part in protecting us against cancer, diabetes and autoimmune diseases. Another recent study showed that women with deficient amounts of Vitamin D have a significant amount of more bacterial vaginosis. Check out this New York Times Article for more details.

What is important to note is that both inflammation and infection make Vulvodynia even more painful. Getting the appropriate amount of Vitamin D is not always easy for most of us in North America. It requires a daily session of 10-15 minutes of direct sunlight without sunscreen. This USA Today Article gives more specific sun time suggestions based on skin color.

If you believe you are not getting enougth Vitamin D (an estimated 80% of Americans are not) check with your doctor. There is a blood test that can determine if you are deficient. This is just one of the many healing actions you can take towards finding relief from Vulvodynia. It's a long road but you can heal. I did!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Your Morning Cup Of Ha-Ha

When I would wake up during my illness I would pray to God. I would pray that it was all a bad dream and the pain wasn't real. But as soon as I put my foot upon the carpet the burning kicked in. I dreaded waking up like that daily. During my healing I began to change the way I woke up. Instead of praying for relief I thanked God for wisdom. The wisdom I am referring to is that of my body. My body is an amazing machine. She can fix herself if I let her. And how could she fix herself in she woke up depressed and hopeless. So I thought that instead of dread I would start each day with laughter. There are so many ways to chuckle in the morning. First and foremost there is Enter funny and you are bound to find something. I also have a dog. He makes me giggle daily. My children make me laugh too but not in the morning. They aren't the morning type. Finally, I laugh because I can. I can laugh because it is free. India Arie, a grammy nominated singer, sings "It doesn't cost a thing to smile. You don't have to pay to laugh. You better thank God for that." And now I do everyday. Enjoy the laughter and be well. Laura L

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Take A Chill Pill did me in. I didn't even realize it. I was internalizing all my emotions. Literally, eating my stress. I was mindlessly being stressed. That may make no sense to you but let me explain. I was moving a thousand miles an hour. Too fast to feel anything externally. I had no time. So I stuffed it into my body and where did it go? My vagina. Crazy I know but it did. I was mad, hot and guess what so was my vagina. It was no coincidence. Heat in your body often translates into acid. Acid causes illness because oxygen rich blood can not flow freely. So I had to cool off. There was only one way to do that. Feel my stress, acknowledge it and then throw it away. Because, let's face it, life is stressful. I wasn't going to make stress evaporate. But I could learn how to cool things off. And that is what I did. I still have stress but I don't eat it. I dump it. After I feel it, I let it go. And guess what? My vagina-she's so happy. It wasn't only the ability to cool off that healed my vulvodynia. I built a strong health foundation. I fed my body easily digestible foods. I drank alkalized water and I practiced yoga daily. This lesson, this heating up, applies to so many potential illnesses. I am now free of migraine headaches, acid reflux and allergies! So there you go. Take a chill pill because truly there is no other pill that will help vulvodynia. Be well, Laura L

Visit my website for my information on how I can help.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Balancing Your Body

Balancing your body is the key to staying pain free. The body and mind is one and what we think manifests in our physical body. Vulvodynia effects the most intimate part of our body. When I was suffering I had a huge struggle with my most intamate relationship-my marriage. After 15 years, I guess I was bogged down. I was set in my ways. Every day seemed like that movie "Ground Hog's Day". Everyday was the same. I was left to deal with my 3 children, one who was not easy. I was running around causing friction where there didn't need to be any. Little things would get me angry. Since I don't feel comfortable being angry I would carry inside of me. I was ingesting my anger. That made me so hot. Not the good type of hot. I was on fire. So was my vagina. I am not suggesting that Vulvodynia is a made up issue of the mind. I really felt what I felt and I wasn't pretending. There was a real physiological explanation for my pain. But I had to learn how to deal with my anger. I had to let myself be angry and then put myself back together. I still struggle with anger. It is just the most unattractive emotions. I don't like seeing other people get angry, especially when it is directed in my direction. I literally feel like someone has kicked me in the gut. I have used several different methods to help manage my anger. I exercise, practice yoga, get massages and do weekly sauna. What do you do?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Welcome to my blog, My Burning Vagina. Here I will discuss how I healed my vulvodynia and candida naturally with minimal help from prescription drugs. I am so excited to also offer a free chapter of my new e-book "My Burning Vagina". Check back soon for this feature.

Today I want to discuss coffee or rather what I call "The hot sludge in a mug".

If you suffer from Vulvodynia chances are good that coffee is not your vulva's friend. In fact, it's like pouring acid on your vaginal lips. How does that sound? Not good. So as sad as this may be you need to re-evaluate you dependence on coffee. The only way coffee should be consumed in our body is when you want to do an enema. And I am not talking about drinking the coffee.

It took me months to comprehend that what I eat effects my body so quickly and dramatically. There is no denying it. Drugs didn't work. I was embarrassed to go to yet another bewildered doctor. This is when I started to listen to the signals my body was screaming to me. Listen closely and you will be amazed at what you hear.

Now I enjoy my life again. I can have enjoyable sex with my husband again. I can also eat some of the foods I had to temporarily give up. If you are serious about healing and resuming your life stay tuned for my e-book "My Burning Vagina". In the book, I provide exactly what I did to heal.